Full-Service Gynecology & Well Woman Exams Routine & Complex Pelvic Surgery Medical Therapy for Incontinence Sexual Dysfunction Interstitial Cystitis & Overactive Bladder Menopause & Hormone Therapy Urinary & Stool Incontinence (Leakage) Do you lose urine when coughing,sneezing or laughing? Do you feel the urgency to rush to the restroom? Do you use some type of urinary protection?. Services and Treatments - With over 25 years of experience,Dr. Beyer and his expert practitioners can offer his invaluable expertise for a wide range of conditions and treatments. Services: Annual Exams,PAP smears,Birth Control Options,Essure in-offce procedure for permanent birth control,Endometriosis Management,Interstitial Cystitis Management,Gardasil HPV vaccine,Pelvic Pain,Uro-dynamic Testing- measurement and pressure of urine flow,Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation,Urinary Incontinence Surgery- office and hospital procedures,Diagnostic / Operative Laparoscopy,Gynecologic Surgery,Endometrial Ablation,Treatments ForUrinary Incontinence,Overactive Bladder,Pelvic Organ Prolapse,Interstitial Cystitis,Heavy Menstrual Periods,Non-Surgical Treatment for Incontinence,Menopause,Sexual Dysfunction,Endometriosis,Pelvic Floor Disorders,& Medical Weight Loss