FREE PREGNANCY TEST. WEPS offers assistance to girls and women facing an unplanned pregnancy. *Contact us if you think you might be pregnant and you do not know who to talk to or what to do; if you are scared, anxious, and confused; if you feel your whole world is changing and your life is suddenly out of control. *WEPS is a place where you will feel accepted. Here, you can get answers to your questions and learn about your options. Telephone calls and office visits are personal, confidential , and nonjudgmental. *WEPS offers free pregnancy tests, education, counseling and emotional support, referrals when needed, and material assistance. *WEPS can help you replace those feelings of confusion and anxiousness. We care about you, and our goal is to help you cope with your situation in a rational and healthy manner. Abortion, Abortion Alternatives, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy. Daleville, AL.. Couseling Services,Pregnancy Information and Services