Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. I went on my lunch hour, thinking that I would get exactly what I wanted in a little bit of time. I could not have been more wrong. When I walked in there were three salespeople (one man and two women), and they were all talking to one customer. I stood patiently waiting to be waited on. And I waited and I waited. Finally after about 2-3 minutes, I walked over to the one woman who was not behind the cutting counter. I asked her about faux fur fabric. All of the faux fur was on the top shelf closest to the ceiling, and she was more than taken aback because she needed a stepstool to reach what I wanted to purchase. It wasn?t my fault that Winmil has that particular fabric on shelves that customers cannot reach. After finding what I wanted at a cost of $16.99 per yard, she asked me how much I needed. I asked for 3/4 of a yard. She told me that she needed to measure the piece and if there ?weren?t enough on the bolt,? she would not sell me what I wanted. Sure enough, the piece was 1 3/4"" yards, and she refused to cut it. If the fabric on the bolt could not be cut, why wasn?t it with the remnants? She told me it was all or nothing. I opted for nothing.