I have been a client at Windcrest for about 10 years now. I cannot say enough about how wonderful they are. My latest experience was with my 6 yr old kitty, Alexander. Alex had recurring issues with urinary blockages throughout his life. I did everything, all the correct medications and diets, and he would still block. After talking to the Dr's at Windcrest, I decided to have the Perineal Urethrostemy surgery done on my boy to help him with his problem. He made it through the surgery just fine, however, during recovery, it was discovered that he was having difficulty breathing and that his lungs were filled with fluid. The ICU Dr called me immediately to explain the situation. I was devastated, of course. She was wonderful and explained, in detail, what they were trying to do to save my boy, Alex. They did an ultrasound of his heart and confirmed an underlying heart disease (Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy) which is undetectable in a normal radiograph or blood work which is done prior to