We treat your feet at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic in Wilmette, IL. The head of our comprehensive podiatry office is a board-certified physician and surgeon. Our entire staff is prepared to offer expert, compassionate care for your entire family. We are the ones to trust with your foot and ankle problems.
We can perform X-rays on-site and offer in-office treatments for:
• Infections and fractures
• Bunions and hammertoes
• Neuromas and fungal nail conditions
• Plantar fasciitis and ingrown toe nails
• Corns, calluses and warts
• Sprains and tendonitis
• Diabetic foot care
We can even fabricate custom orthotics for you in-house. Dr. Gary Rogers provides care upon which you can depend. He is affiliated with Northshore University Healthsytem and Evanston and Glenbrook Hospitals. We accept most insurance plans, including Medicare.
Treat your feet at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic. Call us today to schedule your appointment!. Ankles