We are a small family owned and operated greenhouse and nursery business specializing in personal service for all of our customers needs. In the greenhouse we offer annuals, veggie starts, perennials, hanging baskets, house plants and tropicals. In the nursery we have a selection of trees and shubs. We have two gift shops filled with country collectables, vintage, antiques and fun found objects . "The Coop" is a shop filled with all things chickens!. Our greenhouse and nursery is overflowing in the spring with annuals,hanging baskets,perennials of numerous sizes and a selection of various foliage plants. Our nursery stock is Vermont grown trees and shrubs available in containers and larger caliper B&B trees or shrubs . We are able to order and have available just about any tree or shrub that we do not have in stock. We can provide landscape design and landscaping services for private or commercial sites. We have available a 44" tree spade for planting up to a 6" caliper tree or moving trees on site or to a different location. Delivery truck is available to haul topsoil,barkmulch,gravel or whatever your job requires.