Fire Places, Fuel Oils, Gas Companies, Propane & Natural gas, Stoves - Wood, Coal, Pellet, Etc - Retail. With so many uncertainties about the price and availability of oil and gas, no wonder more Americans are taking a closer look at propane. The mainstay of grills, swimming pools, mobile homes, forklifts, and many other residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural applications - propane is used in 60 million homes and businesses. This past summer, Congress recently passed the CLEAR Act, which recognizes this environmentally friendly fuel as "a fast-growing part of the nation's energy sources". Equally comforting to customers of Williams Oil & Propane is the opportunity to lock in guaranteed savings and delivery with our HOPE program. Towanda, PA. Gasoline,Kerosene,Heating oil,Propane,Heating systems,Air conditioning systems,Electronic air cleaners,Automatic delivery,24-hour emergency service,Annual tune-up.