I needed help! I was stuck in a vicious cycle of paying the minimum amount of my credit card bills and getting nowhere. As a matter of fact I had to keep charging for the things I needed because I had no money left over after continuing to pay my monthly bills! This went on for several years, and finally I sought legal counsel, and within a year I was out of trouble. It was a long road, and I had to make payments before he would even get the ball rolling, but as soon as I paid in full, it was all over before the new year. It's a long process and you have lots of hurdles to go through, but I won my battle with Mr. Oliver's services. My only complaint was I felt like a statistic, and did not feel he had very good communication skills! He is your Lawyer and not your friend. He is not there to hold your hand, he is there to tell you what to do! Sign this, that. Do this, do that, but I'm sure that he has so many clients to deal with that he has no time to be personal, so the good totally outweighs the bad, if in fact there really is a bad! It's a hard decision to make, but I'm hoping to use it to my advantage, and hope to never be in that situation ever again!
Thank you to William H. Oliver, and his kind secretary who I saw every month when I made my payment! She was the one who treated me like a friend, and made me feel much better about my decision!