Certified Financial Planner Practitioner
Areas of Focus:* Investment Advice* Retirement Planning Strategies* Estate Planning StrategiesLicense Information:* I Am Licensed and Registered To Conduct Business in PABased on licenses and registrations I hold, I may also conduct certain business in:* WV* FL* GA* MD* NC* NJ* NYSeries 7 RegisteredStocksBondsMutual FundsAnnuitiesBrokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made availablethrough Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Someproducts and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or toall clients.Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. owns thecertification marks CFP(r) CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and federallyregistered CFP (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards toindividuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoingcertification requirements.