Flowers, Flowers Everywhere
The whole country is a-bloom with signs of spring, and the North Chagrin Metros is no exception. From bluets?those little periwinkle buds that seem to carpet every open space in sight?to Northeast Ohio's favorite weed, skunk cabbage, there'll be wild plantlife by the acre.
A Walk in the Woods
For a wildflower-filled spring hike, try either the short, easy Buttermilk Falls Scenic Loop Trail or the more difficult A.B. William's Woods Trail. You'll see Ohio's state wildflower, the trillium, and if you're lucky, the extremely rare trailing arbutus.
Take Only Pictures
If you're tempted to pick the wildflowers, you'll find they won't last much longer than it'll take to get them into a vase. And don't bother attempting to replant them in your garden: They grow in specific environments and simply don't transplant well. Besides, picking is illegal.