A friend of mine was a regular at Wicked Ink when I moved here, so I decided I would go there for a center lip piercing. I don't recall the man's name, but he kept arguing with me over whether I wanted a labret or a center lip piercing. When it was done, I basically had what amounted to a vertical lip piercing, with the jewelry literally coming out of the top of my lip. I pointed it out, but he swore it was just due to the swelling. I ended up taking it out less than three days later when the jewelry started migrating out. I went back and let him know what had happened. I wasn't even angry, I just thought he should know that he placed the piercing improperly after all. He told me I was just trying to tarnish his good reputation and asked me to leave. Oookay, fine. I started going to Saint Tattoo and was overwhelmed by how much nicer, more professional, and (much) more talented their staff is.