Mental Illness - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD * Depression * Bipolar Disorder * Attention Deficit Disorder ADD * Schizophrenia * Obessive Compulsive Disorder * Anxiety Disorder * Substance Abuse - Alcohol * Marijuana * Cocaine * Crack * Amphetamines * Stimulants * Painkillers * Barbituates * Heroin * Opiates * LSD * Hallucinogens * PCP * Sedatives * Ciagarettes * Narcotics * Sleep Disorders Behavior - Overeat * Suicidal Attempts * Take Drugs * Compulsive * Trouble Sleeping * Vomiting * Smoke * Take Too Many Risks * Odd behavior * withdrawl * Lazy * Drink Too Much * Bouts of Crying * Eating Problems * Work Too Hard * Concentration Problems * Aggressive Behavior * Procrastination * Loss of Control * Sleep Disturbance * Impulsive Reactions * Phobic Avoidance * Outbusts of Temper