Whole Body Health From The Inside Out
Chiropractic is the Art & Science of finding and then fixing spinal misalignments that interfer with proper nerve function, helping to restore a balanced state of "Whole Body Health From the Inside Out". Functional medicine (FM) is an evolution in healthcare that shifts the conventional disease-centered model of care to a patient-centered approach. Doctors of functional medicine look more at the whole person and not just their symptoms. They spend more time listening to the patient and considering the various genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can affect health. In addition, they often use advanced functional laboratory and diagnostic tests considered experimental in considered experimental in conventional medicine. The Theraputic use of laser light energy to Rapidly Reduce Pain Improve Circulation Decrease Inflammation Speed Healing. Chiropractic Chiropractor Services Nutrition Weight Loss Functional Medicine Laser Therapy Neck Pain Back Pain Spine Healthy Foods Healthy Eating