I take the middle ground of the above two comments. I lived ACROSS THE STREET from Wexler's for the past seven years, and I too have seen this place open maybe twice in that time. True, I work during the day, but my schedule varies enough that one would think I'd see this place open more than I have in that time. It is certainly never open on a weekend or holiday. It certainly isn't open before 10am, and it certainly isn't open after 5pm. Let's put it this way - there is no other store in the neighborhood I see closed more often than this place. And yes, the previous review is correct, the faded, dated, dusty, display in the window looks like it hasn't been changed since 1972. But, all that being said, I've seen plenty of other flashy and open-all-the-time businesses come and go during that time, and this place is still in operation, which brings me to the title of this review: It must be doing something right. If it is some sort of specialty "architectural glass" place that is open by appointment only - I am sure it is possible. I always imagined that either the guy got some 99-year lease about 80 years ago and is paying $50 a month in rent or something crazy like that, or maybe he owns the building and framing/ glasswork is his hobby, and this is just what he loves to do, and does not run it as a money-making operation. Illegal mafia operations don't need a cozy storefront on prime UWS real estate, so that seems unlikely. But whatever wonderful business operation is being run there, it doesn't seem it would need storefront real estate with pedestrian traffic either. Either way, I wouldn't say the shop is shady or unreliable - I have no reason to think that. But it definitely is different that your usual NYC shopfront.