My widowed mother in law needed to replace her car. She went to Westside Chevy to make a purchase. She found a small 4 door sedan and put down 3,000. As a down payment and accepted the higher interest rate because they told her that her credit was not perfect. She and the dealership signed all the papers and she left with the car. 3 weeks later they called to tell her she would need a co-signer or they will take the car back. She refused and said we have a deal and I have all the papers with the dealerships signatures. This morning the car is gone and also no word of her 3,000. Down payment. In my opinion these guys are very misguided, cruel, unscrupulous, and will get what they deserve for treating a defenseless retired widow this way. Now the lawyers get to play with it.
Part 2
When she called to ask for her 3000 down payment back the dealer told her to call two names. She called them and was told the car had damage and someone chased the wrecker drivers down the street…….lol……Im so amazed how deep they are willing to dig themselves. She took pictures of the tire marks down the driveway that the wreckers made dragging the car away. They are now posturing they will keep some or all of her money.