Cabinets** *Both Traditional Framed & European Frameless Cabinets*State-of-the-Art Computer Design*CNC Milled Parts for Precision*Skilled Craftsmen*Custom Cabinets with Furniture Quality **Coffered Ceilings** *Simple and Elegant to Elaborate and Rich Detail for Accenting Any Room*Highly Skilled Craftsmen for Ceiling Installations**Doors** *Many Styles to Choose From or We Can Design a Custom Style*Interior & Exterior Wood Doors*Side Lights & Transoms*Custom Glass: Leaded,Stained Glass,Etched,and Beveled. *Custom Hardware & Finishes Available*Limitless Design Possibilities Custom Built to Any Shape & Size*5-Piece Engineered Styles for Stability and Strength *Pre-Hanging with Tightly Defined Margins **Hardware** *Cabinet & Door Hardware*O One of the Largest Selections in the Area * Wide Selection with Displays on Site. *Experienced Staff Here to Help You Find Your Hardware**Mantels** *Custom Built to Size and Detail*Any value Mantel Ranging from Shelves to Full Surrounds i n any wood. Standard sizes available in Kit form. Millworks,Wholesale Mouldings,Custom Wood Flooring,Material Surfacing,Tree & Log purchasing/milling.Material slabs ready to sell or we can mill new slabs.