There is something to be especially noted about this clinics. David, the optician services provider, is one of the best opticians I have ever met, wearing glasses for 40 years of my life. He is a highly qualified, problem understanding and solving person and the man who really cares about the customers. To tell truth, in my decades long journey in the US it is the second place where I was able to find such a perfect opticians services and such high quality glasses made. They are as good as best European glasses, the quite unusual for the US market. Especially if you need a quality made _glass_ glasses, there is no other reliable option miles and miles around.
If it was possible to rate optician's service separately, I would give 10 of 5 stars.
Unfortunately, I also have to admit that their doctor might want to be a little bit more welcoming and less critical about his colleagues. The medical services provided are no that better than in any of hundreds clinics around and so such attitude is not justified.