If a place doesn't treatly you fairly and honestly as a new patient, it's not likely they will treat you fairly and honestly later on. Although they were polite to me, I was not treated fairly or honestly on my initial visit.\r
As a new patient, I'd filled out some forms online. There was one unfair form I didn't agree with, so I didn't fill it out.\r
When I showed up for the appointment, they handed me an electronic pad to sign for all the forms. I asked to see what I was signing. They refused to print the forms for me but said I could look at them on a screen only.\r
Good thing I asked. They had filled out -- in my name -- the form I didn't agree with. And then slipped it in with the other forms for me to sign!\r
That's not right. I tried to get them to fix the error. They refused, saying the form was required, whether it was fair or not.\r
That's not right.\r
I left.