Western Arkansas Counseling and Guidance Center offers behavioral health care services, including treatment, prevention and education. Its outpatient services for children include psychological evaluations, individual and family therapies, group psychotherapy, after school program and school-based services and 24-hour emergency services. Its outpatient services for adults include marriage counseling and parenting classes. The center offers services in mental health care, including behavioral health care, counseling, testing, treatment for mental health disorders and medication management. It offers treatment in mental health disorders, including depression, bipolar and eating disorders and anxiety. The center operates various programs, including Western Arkansas Therapeutic Children's Homes, language enrichment and articulation for pre-schoolers and retired senior volunteer program. Western Arkansas Counseling and Guidance Center is located in Fort Smith, Ark..
Outpatient Counseling,Adolescent Treatment Program for Teens with Co-Occurring Disorders,School-Based Therapy,Therapeutic Foster Program,Specialized Group Therapy Programs,Day Treatment Program for Adults with Mental Health Disorders and Medication Management.
The Guidance Center also offers the state Drug Alcohol Safety Educations Classses required for DUI/DWI offenders in Sebastian,Crawford,Franklin,Logan,Scott and Polk counties in western Arkansas.