This is what our local dnr and police officers do, they think they can come and do as they please and they think they are above the law. Their is was no harm done with the caring for lt. renni if everyone would take a little time and help just one person or one animal this world would be a better place. This was so cruel to the couple in lewisburg, and it was so cruel as to what the officer did to Lt. Renni , I hope that people will step up and let everyone know that this was wrong. I know this couple in lewisburg very well expecially the man because he is my brother and he has a big heart and he would help anyone that needed it, if they deserved it. So i hope their is justice done to the officer who had no right to do the inhumane thing to this poor helpless deer, that was not hurting no one, all he done was bring joy to people young and old. SHAME ON THE OFFICER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.