Well seeing as I had tried to get on the fire dept. But could not because of a OUI and assault on my record kept me from being elligable.\r
But found out after doing some digging and background checks.\r
they have an Alan Marchinkowski...that has 4 oui's one eludeing police and resiting arrest . and an assault n Battery on a Woman.\r
and I plan on Finding more with the new background checker that I have.\r
Dont think it fair to say No to me..after haveing 5 yr's experience and a recomondation from another Fire Cheif.\r
besides...do they realy need to Hire alcaholics for the fire dept. wether Vol. or not....I can see it now...somebody hung over rescueing somebody and forgetting he's in a fire and dragging them through it.\r
Bad Bad Bad...Pawlet needs to get thier statutes streight...this is a state Job...try getting on the police force...it's the same rules as for a fire dept. But pawlet seems to just hire Drunks.