Although West Boylston Cinema will occasionally show a first-run movie, that is not customary -- nor is it their greatest strength. Generally, West Boylston Cinema seems to show movies that have recently ended their runs at first-run theaters but are still recent releases.
On the other hand, the prices are about half what first-run theaters charge, including the soft drinks and popcorn. The theater is well kept-up, clean, modern, and comfortable. The seats recline and are wider than at most first-run theaters. The sound systems and screen sizes are excellent. Restrooms are spacious, clean, and modern. There's lots of free parking close by.
The lack of first-run movies is probably more a strength than a weakness. It helps keep prices down. It provides a way for busy people to catch a movie that looked interesting but didn't fit their schedules while still first-run. Also, even after a movie is available on DVD, the full-screen, surround-sound movie theater experience is hard to match with a home system; some movies really should be experienced in a large theater environment and it's good to get out of the house occasionally.
In addition, West Boylston Cinema management is good at deciding how long to keep showing various films based on merit rather than on some arbitrary schedule. For example, they kept showing each of the three Lord of the Rings movies through most of the summer following their releases while other, less-worthy, movies turned over much more frequently.
Their web site is at