So hubby picked up Wendy's on the way home tonight. The food was all wrong. Many times when this happens I just ignore it and try to fix the problem myself... this time THE BURGERS WERE UNDERCOOKED! Uncalled for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called them on the phone and pretty much got nowhere and was hung up on several times. At that point I knew I couldn't go down there because my anger would get the better of me.
My solution?........... Monday (well I guess it'll be Tuesday cause I think the banks might be closed on Monday) I'm calling the bank and I am going to dispute the charges to my account!
I tried to get Wendy's HQ # but had no luck so they can kiss my behind now.
This even caused a fight between my husband and I which is way not cool and we are now sleeping in seperate bedrooms.
I'm pissed at Wendy's!