Our mission at 42 Insurance Agency is to help you with all of your insurance needs. Our agency specializes in Home, Auto, and Life Insurance At 42 Insurance Agency, we look to build long-lasting relationships with our clients; we do not perceive the client as "just another sale". We strive to create a professional relationship with the client to best fulfill their insurance needs Our intent is that Northeastern Wisconsin will perceive our agency as the pinnacle center of the community for its insurance needs. Our team will constantly outshine the competition and continually go beyond our expectations to assist the neighborhood with devout integrity I promise to: 1) Educate and train my staff on our mission and always reinforce our best practices 2) Treat all of our clients and potential customers with respect, fairness, and dignity 3) Inform our clients on the value our products and services offer them 4) To do our best to be involved in the community to show them they are apart of something greater; in other words, to make everyone feel apart of a "family" unit This is my promise to you!. Insurance,Life Insurance,Home Insurance,Health Insurance,Commercial Insurance