oh,poor poor limmmmm. Thank you for taking such an interest in my friends fiancee. Yes,that would be Michael. i have had the pleasure of meeting her when she comes to see him. Her engagement ring is gorgeous. I would say 2carats. Got one? they have known each other over 12yrs, and they have loved just as long. She and Michael have a fairytale story. on their visit you can see that they are one,in love. They speak everyday,several times. She comes up here,visit her. i feel sadness that you are dillusional,who knows. before you post give me some proof.Whacha got? If you're his fiancee you should know all about his life, and you should definately know his character,ya know? The way he is,acts,reacts in situations. Back it up,or pls lay off whatever you are smoking its destroying brain cells!!!!!