I just want to thank the editor that wrote, What kids are up to?because I thought I knew what my kid was up to... This has all been a night mare, The morning I got the call from the polices to came and get my son was so sickening I wanted to get sick! My son had everything going for him, school grades okay, signed up to go into army, High mobility artillery rocket crew member! very good job, all taken away from him because of a bad choice he made, he even had a car to drive he did not have to pay for. I wonder, did I make things to easy for him? I have been a single mom for 7yrs. got married 4 yrs ago, but still think I've been on my own raising the two boys for 11 yrs. I thought I made it though with one going on to make a career in the Army, and then the night mare started. I can only say I have cried a lot, and I have read my bible a lot more, I have prayed for ALL the boys involved, we NEED to PRAY more for ALL of our kids! and to not give up on them, they might not like us asking so many questions but I really think we do not ask enough. Please put all the families in your prayers and I'm so sorry for any grief that this might have cause anyone. I know my son is very unhappy with himself right now. He has disappointed a lot of people in his family, and mostly hurt himself for a big bad choice. In Jesus only, Mom