I never write reviews and am only doing so because anyone searching for an ethical and fair family/divorce attorney should steer clear of Robert J. Hunter. Not only was he purely concerned with ensuring his client got everything she demanded, he did so with blinders on, and effectively helped his client alienate her children from their father, giving license to her slanderous, outright lies about him, which, in the end, had their effect of serious parental alienation. He helped his client paint a good, kind, incredibly giving father as someone who his children now despise because of her lies, all in the name of making his client appear the victim in order to garner sympathy. Moreover, Mr. Hunter fed whatever lines he needed to his client's then spouse during the mediation process to present ""good faith"" promises to him in exchange for his cooperation when it came to a completely off-balance financial settlement. And in the end the ""promises"" of documents, tax-allowances, and other ""understandings"" and ""in the spirit of cooperation"" agreements that he made to his client's then spouse never came to fruition and his client made off with everything, stripping her ex-husband of not only his financial stability in order to give her nearly everything he had worked so hard for his entire life (while she stayed at home and enjoyed the life with which he provided her), but of his relationship with his children. Throughout the process when her now ex-husband tried fighting on the grounds of extreme parental alienation, no one would listen, and, sadly, today this man no longer has any shred of the strong, loving relationships he once had with his children. And he is the one who not only lost nearly everying but had to pay Mr. Hunter to take it from him on behalf of his ex-wife. It really is shameful how backwards the divorce laws are in some parts of this country, still, turning a blind eye on father's rights. And in the end all Mr. Hunter did was help destroy a family in the courts of Gwinnett County, Georgia. Just because a client comes to an attorney with a story doesn't mean he should throw all ethics out the window in order to make a buck. I'm really not sure how he sleeps at night.