The Bankruptcy Attorney professionals at Weik Law Office can help!! We’re a team of dedicated and experienced bankruptcy attorneys and consumer bankruptcy is all that we do. Weik Law Office provides you with the knowledge and expertise to help you protect your assets that you have spent a lifetime building. Our bankruptcy attorney professionals will show you how to possibly consolidate $10,000.00 in credit card debt, personal loans and hospital bills and only pay $0 to $2 a day!! They may be able help you design a monthly plan that allows you to pay 1/2 or less of what you are paying now. Terri Weik has practiced bankruptcy law for over 14 years and has filed over 14,000 bankruptcy cases. She has been a speaker on the “Concerns At The Initial Consultation When Filing For Bankruptcy” and has served on the Committee for the Development of a Model Chapter 13 Plan for the Eastern District of Michigan. Weik Law Office currently resides in Raleigh, NC.