I am so sick & tired of all of the political correctness about everything in today's society and pet stores are one of them. I got my Siberian Husky from WLP and was very satisfied except for one thing. The price was right, my dog was and still is happy & healthy. They gave us guarantees in writing, answered all of our questions fully and if we were not satisfied - a money back guarantee. The only issue I had was they said my dog had a chip implanted but the vet we go to said she didn't but for a fee would be glad to put one in. No, I didn't check this out further so she may or may not have the chip. I suspect that many people who claim pet stores get all of their dogs from so called puppy mills are actually breeders or friends of breeders trying to eliminate the competition. No, I don't support puppy mills but all of these so called facts are coming from people on the internet. Of course we all know that
everything we read on the net is true. My experience at WLP
was good. So called do-gooders often have their own agenda
and unless they can show me cold hard facts I tend to dismiss
their self serving statements. So in conclusion don't dismiss WLP if you're thinking about a pet.