I at first thought that this school was a great school to attend for nursing. It was very easy to get accepted to the school (the admissions test was the easiest test i've ever taken, and the pre reqs needed are minimal). the pre reqs included english, college algebra, anatomy, history, and life span/developmental psych. I was somewhat skeptical of the lack of classes such as chemistry, biology, etc for nursing. After attending attending for 1.5 yrs I had had enough of the school. They are very focused on getting you through the program as quickly as possible without really taking the time to thoroughly explain things and walk you through different procedures and skills. You spend the majority of your time looking at videos of the skills from youtube and a nursing website the school subscribes to. After the first year all you feel like is an advanced CNA. There are a few great instructors and then there are the ones who are very rude and do not seem to genuinely care about your success there as a student. Overall the school is not a ""minority friendly"" school either. In my personal experience several of the instructors as well as staff did not seem to care about providing exceptional teaching to ALL of their students, not just caucasian students and it was easily seen, there was also a lot of favoritism shown. After bringing some of my concerns to the attention of the director and assistant director I was asked whether or not I had considered attending NC central since I was black and it was an HBCU, that was the last straw for me. Watts may have at one time been a great school but now they are about making money from students. You can not learn how to be a great RN by looking at youtube videos and reading a website. Its a hands on profession, therefore you should be taught in that way. Do yourself a huge favor (esp. if you are a minority) and look into other local 4 yr universities that offer nursing or look into the many local great community colleges that have great NCLEX scores and who produce excellent nurses. You will be glad you saved your money, time and efforts in doing so! good luck! :-)