If you are a property owner and want a management company to take care of your property, listen up. Do not use them! Find another, Watson does not have your interest in mind, in fact your tenant will be placed before you if any question, dispute, in anything really. Watson company policy is to have them use their agent if you want to sell the property. So your freedom to use the best in the industry is totaly gone. If you have a tenant living in your property,even worse, they will definately side on the tenants, even thou you have a contract with them paying them a hefty 13% fee. The sales agent will have to consult and get approval from the property manager....not you! They will make sure the tenant is taken care of first. You will feel that your rights as an owner were all thrown out the window. I am not saying that we should brake any laws. But when singning that contract, you have given them all power....and they will take care of themselves first, second the tenant, last you! If you feel that your property is not being taken care of , they will review the issue and side on the tenants. When you call, your property agent , they will call back when convinient to them, and eagerly to tell you what your duties are as owner , needless to say what they have said to your tenant. Remember, Watson controls your property and when selling that 7% agent comission is a lot. The sales agent has their hands tied, if this is the case then why do we have to use them? This manipulation is extreme and does not benefit the owner. Owners be wary !! It almost seems like a dual agency! Again , listen to me! Do not use them if you own property, because you will be with your hands tied, used and abused and there is nothing you can do. There are plenty of other companies out there ..... Do Not use Watson , specially in this location. Unprofessional people.... dedicated to themselves no one else!
Pros: there are none
Cons: everything that is bad