B. Julie, Watson Attorney
Julie Watson Attorney will give you a free, confidential legal evaluation to help you decide if bankruptcy is right for you. She can give you expert guidance if Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or Bankruptcy Alternative can relieve you from your financial burden. I have 28 years experience in Bankruptcy; Personal or Small Business. You are a person, not a case.<br /><br /><br />Bankruptcy can stop those harassing phone calls and threatening letters from creditors. Julie Watson can help you wipe your slate clean and achieve the financial fresh start you deserve.<br /><br /><br />Evening or weekend appointments available<br /><br /><br />Your Future Can Be Brighter<br /><br /><br />Call Today. * 28 Years’ Experience in Bankruptcy* Chapter 13 - Customized Repayment Plan* Chapter 7 - Complete Debt Relief* Individual or Small Business Bankruptcy