Watson Company, Inc have been specialists in Alaskan offshore geophysical field programs for 30 years. We are the team you can count on for dependable results. We invite you to learn more about our company, services, and expertise and team members on this website. Established in 1985, Watson Company Inc is dedicated to providing offshore geophysical, hydrographic and oceanographic services. We have extensive project experience in the mobilization and execution of field programs in remote areas of Alaska, including: Cook Inlet, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Prince William Sound, Norton Sound, Southeast Alaska and the Gulf of Alaska. We have provided services to engineering firms, small and large petroleum companies, resource firms and government agencies that required shallow gas, seabed, hazard, pipeline route surveys in Cook Inlet, the Aleutian Islands, and the Beaufort Sea. These generally include investigation of the seafloor and shallow sub-bottom conditions for geologic or man-made materials that would affect offshore pipeline design, installation or operations. Alaska.