The golden rule . Love God. Love others as yourself. This is not just a statement for our private, personal lives. The idea of treating others in a way that honors God and is in line with the way we would like to be treated is also a good mission statement for a company. Quality, value, efficiency. These are a few ingredients that we use at Waterworx to provide our customers with the type of service that they have come to expect. Coupled with a passion to serve Gods people, its a simple, yet time tested recipe. A preacher once said "If I could put the love of Jesus in a bottle and sell it,..." While we aren't advertising that, it is our honest prayer that we can serve every customer with a humble, kind, friendly attitude while working diligently to bring the best car care products and techniques to the market place. Its more than a catchy phrase, its the Golden Rule. Service the way the good Lord intended it.