Good: I looove the girls that work at the clinic they are so sweet and nice! Very christian woman!!!. Bad: I don't like that the dr that is there now, dr. snellgrove, went behind dr. mitchell's back and bought him out. I also don't like how much he charges for a visit...$76.00 if you don't have insurance that's the cash price! And auto patients, he charges them 230-400 a day and has them come in everyday...maybe you could say fraud??? This is not what dr. waters or dr. mitchell are about! They could bring in patients because they were Godly Men!!!. Improvements: Get rid of snellgrove! that place will never survive with 2 people a day to come in. Those poor girls that work there, he cuts there hours too bc he can't bring in any business! Now thats not right!. Other: I'm going some place else I don't want to leave those nice girls, but they don't feel its right either! They hate how he lied about comming up to that place! And how he treats everyone!.