I hired Watchful Eye to inspect my home before I bought it in Oct 2009. Considering there was an appraiser, a title search and a home inspection I thought it was safe to move forward. In June 2010 my basement flooded even with the sump pump running. It has continued to flood every time there is a hard rain. My insurance coverage is limited so my losses have been huge. My furnace is ruined, my dryer damaged also. I started my own investigation and found out that the house had a history of flooding. In 2008 my local fire department pumped 5 feet of water out of the basement, twice! The furnace had been flooded out before and reconditioned. The city building inspector told me there was action taken by the city and gave me copies of the paper trail. She inspected the house before it was pumped and after. She said the basement stairs were rotted away half way up and she had ""never seen so much mold in one place"". It was sprayed over with Kilz. Wouldn't a home inspector have picked up on some of this? I guess there is no one to trust anymore.