1-800-222-1222, it's an easy phone number to remember, keep it by your telephone. As part of childproofing your home, it is important to discuss the hazards of chemicals and medicine with the children. One way of doing this is visually with Mr. Yuk stickers ('a scowling green face with tongue extended says it all: “Yuk!!” – a wordless cue not to eat, drink or touch a product').
Place the Mr. Yuk stickers on poison hazards and take the necessary precautions, such as placing items out of reach of children, either through cabinet locks or disposal, hopefully accidental poisoning can be prevented. Washington Poison Center, or your local poison center, distributes Mr. Yuk stickers. You can visit their site for a checklist of items to look for ( http://www.wapc.org/safety/mryuk.htm ). It's a great service, it's free and confidential.