Bascially misdiagnosis is what lead to my kitten being put to sleep. She had all the symptoms,of a serious coccidia infection early on in her sickness, and I was told that she did not have it NO TEST were done for coccidia. A test for giardia was done,but came up negative. Even the test results from the lab stated that additional test be run for OTHER protozoa. When I questioned Dr. Weed I was told the no she did not have coccodia, and give it no further attention. I was being pressured into exploratory surgery for a possible obstruction. She was hospitalized in 12/2010 for hemorrahagic diarrhea, and vomiting. At that time a foreighn body was brought up. After three days of meds, and iv fluids, she was sent home. A week later she started witht the same symptoms all over. Vomitin, and loose stools. The meds she was given were no longer working, That is when I did my research on types of illness with the same symptoms she was having. Coccodia was on the top of my list.