treat people how you would want to be treated or better yet how you would want your son or daughter or any loved one treated... when you take some ones money remember that its very possibly being taken from a family in the middle of a tragedy or a new daddy or a family with children struggling to survive.. i strongly believe that in every thing we do,every move we make we are showing not only our community but our children and most importantly the good Lord above the magnitude of either our good or bad character and all though no one is perfect we ALL will be judged by the highest and most mighty of all in the end.. no sin is greater than any other in his eyes,so as i said before plz think twice before taking someones money.. if youre going to unjustifiably and immorally slap the cuffs on that new dad or that sick mom or that person that could very possibly be proven innocent then just stay out of it from the begginning.. you arent doing any favors...