If you are seeking a qualified individual that will make your vision a reality! Look no further, I've flipped many houses for companies that buy foreclosed homes to flip and re sale and or rent out as well as remodeled Homes for Homeowners. You can contact me via email or by text, I'm on the phone a lot so you can either leave a message or text me and I will call you back you back ASAP. I'm up late seems like i never get any sleep because of being on call for our 24 hour Emergency Call. That means if you desperately need something or if something has went wrong you can call and get the problem fixed ASAP! The customer is Always right no matter what in our book! Some things I've did before has been referred to pieces of art. I use to work only by word of mouth but I want to expand and get multiple customers to make happy! I'm very fair on pricing and we could always work out a plan if needed. The gift I have needs to be spread around not just to the Elite!