My wife went to this Walmart to get her oil changed as we always do. The door handle on the drivers side is not functional from the outside, but if you leave the window down you can get in and out just fine. They refused to sevice the car. My wife now feels uncomfortable going to them. I called management who handled this a very prompt manner. The person who resused to service the car however, changed his story to that he would have to crawl through the passenger side to access the car which is not true. I feel it was a case of him not listening and then going on the defense. I have worked for Walmart and specifically in the Tire Lube Express and from experience I know that customer service is about listening, not talking. They were busy and short handed and probably just did not listen. Women are the work horse of most families and when they are out doing 15 different errands, you need to help them anyway you can relative to Customer Service. I have to go get the oil changed from now on because she dont trust them anymore. You blew it Steve!