Dr. Wallach has been practicing dentistry in Upland Maui for 16 years. At Whole Tooth, we believe we can bring yourself to a ???No new cavity??? state with maintenance, and dedicated home care. Our services include: Routine check ups and cleaning, using Digital Radiography, & Intraoral imaging. We do our very best to take care of tooth aches, and emergencies within 24 hours. We delight in all forms of Aesthetic dentistry, and smile improvement. Dr. Wallach has taken Post Grad work in Root Therapy with Dr. Clifford Ruddle. We use biologically compatible root filling material, called MTA or Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, which is based on the naturally occurring minerals in the body. We have one work room, on purpose, as that way we care for one person at a time. Besides the undivided attention, our aim is to keep our overhead low and share that benefit with our client. Dr. Wallach has worked in Dentistry continuously for 36 years.