I'm a frequent customer at the Walgreen's on Rock Prairie. I like everything about the store except the rudeness of the very important tall manager who gives directions to the employees over the top of the heads of customers who are mid sentence with the very employee he is directing. He not only interrupted me mid sentence in my response to "May i help you?" but he did it three times! He seems to feel that his business with the employees is much more important than their helping customers and also that the customers are not worthy of the courtesy of being able to finish a sentence. It is one thing to be ignored as a customer, but to have a manager speak over your head while interrupting you at the cash register 3 times is ridiculous. He went out the door after the first 2 times, came back in immediately and did it again! I finished my transaction and attempted to catch him on his very important rounds through the store, but decided I should not have a direct confrontation with h