I got Thrush from using a eCig so I went to the Dr. and he wrote me out a prescription for generic Diflucan which is Fluconazole. I hadn'tused a Walgreen's in years but was going by one and stopped to get the Fluconazole filled. 5 pills there were over 50.00. I questioned them about this a Diflucan costs that much and I was getting a generic filled. The employee said they could set me up on a Walgreens prescription discount but it would cost 20.00 which is the same amount I would save but I could use it for a year for the savings. I really didn't understand why it was so high but as I didn't have insurance I said ok. When I left there I contacted Walmart and asked what the price of the very same prescription was and was told it was only $16.00 for the 5 pills. I contacted Walgreens about this and have been told by their corporate as well as the store manager that they don't have any control over the price of prescriptions. Walgreens is sticking it to everyone that uses cash pay and over charges excessively. I will never, ever use any Walgreen's ever again. I see no reason to use a company that costs me almost 4 times the amount that other companies charge. Why would anyone willingly shop at this store? 03/16/2013