I have 4 stage cancer in 3 places....sadly I was treated like a drug chaser a nuisance and GOSSIPED about. And sadly I wasn't physically there...my husband was, I was bedridden. I could not only get my meds, they also couldn't fill my numbing mouthwash antacid (chemo effects make my mouth hurt)due to lack of in stock supplies. After my husband went back to hospital, calls from my charge nurse, Doctor notes(more like a book) I was then sent to the Iris and Perris store to fill my meds. Later that week as I called to refill my tummy med(omeprezole )...calling Iris and Perris...I get snarky remark from pharm tech on phone....OH WE HEARD ABOUT YOU FROM THE OTHER STORE!!!! So not only do I have cancer in 3 places...inoperable...but I am being gossiped about when I wasn't even THERE??!! VERY unprofessional!! Not HAPPY!! I hope if you go here, you aren't mistreated....I wish I stayed at CVS..they were always nice. The only reason I switched is they can't make my numbing antacid.....aka magic mouthwash. And I thought it would be easier going to the same place for all meds....Sad!!