The management of this Walgreen's is one of the most callous, disrespectful, and arrogant our family has ever had to deal with. Specifically, they have absolutely no regard for our family's privacy when it comes to their pharmacy. Despite repeated requests to honor the law and not to announce our medications out loud to the nosy interest of all by-standers, this Walgreen's has had a policy of violating the HPPA privacy of nearly every customer who stands before them. Then, as if to add insult to injury, they have "consultations" with patients right in front of everyone. I've heard, "Ok, Mrs. Thompson, here's your diabetes medicine!" Better, I once heard, "Mr. Brown, take this and insert it up your rectum twice a day, okay??" It's humiliating to hear this gross sensitivity to everyone's private medical conditions. I repeatedly begged them to create separations between patients, to lower their voices, and to honor privacy. When I asked other customers to step back and give me some room,