Mr. Waldrop came by my mother's property on December 27 2010. After successfully and already pulling roots out of the line near the joints between our property and the city sewage line, Mr. Waldrop implemented another head and then lost that head within the jointed area in the drain system. Although he at first seemed congenial towards myself and my family, he did not attempt to take the head out in any way until I had called Ms. Waldrop to settle the issue. He came back while acting upset over having to dig the head out in front of our yard. Mr. Waldrop then specified if the head was caught on a root, he would have to charge for payment. He then began to display an ignorant and unprofessional attitude as he was digging into our front yard and said that he was "going to get my money" shorty after complaining about the age of my mother's house which was built in the eighties. I immediately realized what I was dealing with without mentioning anything. He was supposed to come out the next day to finish digging, but his wife called and pressed that we make a payment for them to dig out completely. I finally issued a complaint to Ms. Waldrop after dealing with her husband and his attitude...even while he was yelling and cursing about me at her on the phone. I'm amazed that I kept my cool through the whole ordeal, but by now I'm pretty ticked off that there's a big hole in my mom's yard while the issue went from improved in mid shift to worse by the time these guys left since the head is now lodged somewhere in the system. I do not recommend any service by this company. Anyone notice that most of these very positive posts seem to have similar words and phrases?