I worry that we the people are to easily baited by meager savings at the cost of quality products as well as balanced community. I work 10 to 12 hour days to make foreclosed homes habitable for interested buyers. Thankfully thou unlike many I have a job and I am not in debt; but like many I chase after convenience to save time and my money. The other night I got of work at 9 p.m. and could not cash my check at the exchange, so I went to Wall Mart to get some shopping done as well as cash my check. After losing my I.D. at the bottom of Sauk Trail lake two weeks ago Sunday I had only my passport and my fishing license to show for Identification as well as the work shirt on my back. The managers their refused me even after I provided them my Social and informed them of how many times I have cashed my check their in the past. Now I question the sort of protocol that cannot except a United States Passport as valid enough I.D.