Paypal, Clearfield UT, We utilize a proven, multi-stage process that gets to the heart of your tax issues. We begin by obtaining authorization to interact with the internal revenue service (IRS) regarding your case. One of the key aspects of this interaction is a comprehensive verification process; we verify a number of common IRS errors including the incorrect documentation of balances due and errors in income reported to the IRS. Let us help you with IRS settlements, Tax audit/IRS audit representation, IRS levy/Tax wage Garnishment, State and IRS Installments Agreements, IRS Settlements (Offer In Compromise), Revenue Officer Representation, Tax Relief Negotiations, Federal compliance evaluations; Tax preparation services; Tax resolution services; First-class service at competitive prices ; Quick and efficient answers to your questions.. Filing Delinquent Tax Returns (individuals and corporate) ; Amending Tax Returns (individuals and corporate) ; Filing Current Tax Returns (individuals and corporate) ; Filing Payroll Tax Forms (corporate 940/941's)