I had a emergency with a baby hedgehog Sept 22,2012 Saturday I went in to the clinic and Dixon was not there , my hedgehog possibly had a broken leg due to mom carrying it around , I was told to come back Monday, Sunday Came and I checked in on baby and to my horror Mom bit his leg off , I cleaned it up and Monday morning went into the clinic , I arrived at 11:40 and was told Dixon was on lunch and was told to come back at 1:30 I said this was a emergency I need to see him now , Receptionist said sorry come back at 1:30 I came back at 1:30 and I asked if I could write a check I was told no with out two phone # on check I could not write a check , and they refused to look at the baby hedgehog with no leg, I asked what it would cost to euthinze the baby and they told me 70 something I didn't have enough money for that , I said ok I will take it home , with tears runny down my face I went to my car and buckled my daughter and a lady came out and said she talked to dixon and he said he would euthinze the baby for free, I said no i will take my animals elsewhere , I asked the lady if you had a broken leg and went to the hospital would they refuse service , she said no because the person has health insurance